Space Design Agency in Bangalore – Design your Office or Retail Space

Picture of Misha


Space can be described as the distance around and/or the area between design objects or elements. As an example, if you were to place an image on a page, the area that does not contain the image would constitute space.

What is Space Design?

The use of space within a design is often a factor that is not considered enough, especially regarding how it can be used to compliment the other elements of design.

Space is a design consideration that recognises the importance of empty places.

🌌 It is the importance of how spaces and building interact with, and ‘talk’, to people.

Types of Space Design

In the context of architecture, space is a physical environment in which work or live in. In 2D, space is a way to create a sense of separation between elements to enhance visibility and usability.


Space designers are able to design spaces & integrate harmony between type of space and materials to be used to design the same. Design is created keeping in mind architecture, technology, material & ergonomics.

Interior Space Design


Exterior space design is created to enhance the structural design. Design is created keeping in mind the architecture, branding, technology and aesthetics.

Exterior Space Design

Attracting the attention of passers-by and enticing people to enter a store is the number one aim of businesses. But how do you do it? This is known as Visual Merchandising.

What is Visual Merchandising?

Visual Merchandising is the practice in the retail industry of optimising the presentation of products and services to better highlight their features and benefits. A marketing practice that uses floor plans, colour, lighting, displays, technology, and other elements to attract customer attention. Its ultimate purpose is to use the retail space to generate more sales by making a store stand out and attracting shoppers.

What is the importance of space design?

Design of a space is art

Helps create great first impressions

Whether your commercial property is an office, a restaurant, or a retail space, the first impression made on potential clients and customers will be the appearance of your business. A poorly laid-out area will look disorganised and your workers will clearly be less productive. Your business may also look dated. All this implies a lack of concern on the businesses’ part, whereas a well designed space says your company is thoughtful, good at problem-solving, dedicated, and in-touch with current trends and technologies. Just take a look at this comparison below, Which layout catches your eye?

Great Space Design
Bad Space Design

Adds emphasis to the design

Adds luxury or sophistication or fun or aesthetic to the element as a whole. Positive space can actually become a central element in a design when it’s used to create a certain mood or look. The negative space gives you visual clues about where you should be looking, providing plenty of buffer room around an element so that your brain can quickly process it.

Negative space is one of the most important concepts in your space design. When you have limited display space, it can be highly tempting to crowd it with as many items as possible. After all, if they aren’t out, they can’t be purchased! High-margin items that aren’t moving the way you expect, however, can be seriously impacted by the use of negative space. Instead of crowding your item, leave plenty of negative space around it. This will cause it to draw the eye and increase your sales of that specific item.

Negative Space Usage
What is positive and negative space?

Positive and negative space play an important role in determining the overall composition in a work of art. Though, mostly used in graphic design, by understanding positive and negative space and applying your knowledge, you can become more successful in designing your space compositions and layouts.

  1. Positive Space The space on the sheet of paper or digital page or visual space where you put your content to design where it tries give breathing space for your design elements and gives your eyes a better navigation to read better.
  2. Negative Space The space around and between the subject(s) of an image or space. Negative space may be most evident when the space around a subject, not the subject itself, forms an interesting or artistically relevant shape, and such space occasionally is used to artistic effect as the “real” subject of an image.

Well-Planned Spaces Mean More Productive Workers

Perhaps the most direct benefit of space planning and design is the increase in efficiency in your staff by understanding the unique needs of each role. A good design will consider what resources your workers need, whom they need to be in easy communication with, and what could be a distraction to them.

Planning and Design Prevents Wasted Space

Space planning should focus around your workers’ daily needs. Workers who primarily use computers to accomplish tasks will require less desk space than those who work with documents, so to use desks of the same size is a waste of space.

Enhances the usability

In a sense where users will be able to easily read and comprehend the content you want to serve them. They should not be intimidated by a large amount of text — when its spacing is not big enough, it will look difficult to comprehend and it will result in a higher rate of leaving the space or store. Whereas enough white space will prevent that happening.

How is UX shaping space design?
  1. According to one study, 90% of customers turn right when they enter a store. Which means that your first area will be high impact zones; you’ll want to maximise this by placing your best sellers here. Ensure this area is well lit and, merchandise displayed in an ordered fashion. On the other hand, place the checkout counter to the left. That way you’ll ensure customers venture through every part of the store.
  2. When designing a retail space, optimising the customer journey through identifying the target audience and strategically planning the space has been proven to have a positive impact on sales. Retail spaces are expected to be high-traffic areas. Configuring the store layout to divert customer traffic is a smart and effective tool to influence purchasing decisions.
  3. Understanding what a customer wants from a particular space and how they will interact will help create the best shopping experience; for example, the more relaxed, casual shopper needs to be coaxed, allowing plenty of space to move around, good ambient lighting and sound and clear lines of sight around the store.

Want your spaces to be designed?

Wondering how to design your new space? Fret not. We at Everything.Design understand your spatial and design needs to deliver visually aesthetic spaces.

🎨 REMEMBER: Good design is the proper use of space between elements.

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