Why marketing managers should own your website design?

Picture of Misha


What is the first thing that comes to your mind on hearing about marketing managers and websites?

Whether the promotion strategists are enough to manage the website or is a dedicated team of developers required to actively maintain and add relevant content on your landing page, isn’t it?

Historically, it’s easy to see why and how IT was put in charge of website management and development. After all, when the web was born, it was the medium of tech-focused individuals.

The website should be a marketing tool, not an engineering nightmare. The website’s main purpose is communication, and marketing controls the communication for brands, products, solutions, and companies. So when you need a website the first thing you should be doing is not to hire a developer, it is to hire a team who can understand your business, build a strategy with you, write copy, design, and then develop. There are a lot of tiny details and website design process which happens in between. Optimizing your website to show up on the first page of search engines is very essential as this is the best way to increase your website’s traffic.

Your IT team can set up your web page, create a domain, and build the ground, but for developing content that attracts the audience, innovation is indispensable!

So, who ranks higher when it comes to choosing a developers team over the creative specialists?

Before we get into that, let’s analyze why we need these distinct groups of people and the value they add to a business.

Why the marketing team should manage your website?

Marketing is about connecting with the audience in the right place and at the right time, and in the age of everything being at your fingertips, digital marketing is an essential component of brand building. If you are here and here to stay, having a social media presence and digital ad strategy is vital for brand awareness.

A content marketer, for example, writes a series of blog posts that generate leads from various topics related to the business, and the company’s social media marketing helps promote these blog posts through paid and organic posts on the brand’s social media accounts. Traffic from these social media posts is then redirected to the company’s website once they are intrigued enough and want to find out more, and this makes people aware of what the brand is up to. Distribution of content is the key to content marketing and getting more and more people on your landing page.

image showing content marketing strategies

No matter how brilliant your posts on Instagram or Facebook are, an amazing website design is the one that brings about a spike in your revenue, and this is exactly what your marketing team does.

Brand development does not lie in punching a few codes and getting a domain, but in making it a place that is both visually attractive and highlights how your business adds value to the market.

Your website is more than just an interactive promotional flyer. Here are a few reasons why your website needs the marketing team as the front-runner

5 reasons why the marketing team should manage your company’s website

Content Engagement – An important component of any business is holding the audience’s attention and nothing better than a tastefully designed website can do that. For any company that offers services, users will inevitably turn to the past clients’ experiences and the case studies section of a website.

A lot of information regarding a business is gained via browsing its website: what a brand’s potential customers see and read shapes the perception of the company or brand in their decision-making process.

image showing Montage landing page
Website designs like those of Montage instantly attract people and make them want to learn more

Your webpage reflects your company, products, services, and ultimately the brand identity. So it’s important to be visually appealing, polished, and professional. Having the best content on here acts as a great marketing tool and no one better than specialists can formulate and frame these ideas.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): This is an integral component of a business’s digital marketing strategy, and is responsible to take your website’s visibility to a higher position and keep you up above all your competitors.

Leaving your SEO tasks in the hands of experts will certainly be very helpful because these experts have the right tools and techniques for effective business website marketing. The IT team can set up the domain, and take care of website audits such as coding, tagging, etc. monitoring and maintaining web pages but without the marketing team into keyword research, and SEO-friendly content development, it is futile.

image showing how to optimize seo

New and relevant content updates Regular updates on what’s happening in the business world, the topics that are in trend, and which way is the future of branding headed are important and keep your website fresh.

If you provide new content regularly your website visitors have a reason to come back to your website. If you never add any new content to your website then there is no reason to revisit your website, and only the marketing team can handle this. Putting out blogs and snippets that are interesting to read spark readers’ curiosity and make them want to learn more.

Formulating effective email marketing strategies: This is one of the effective business website marketing strategies. By connecting with people who are already interested in your products, your marketing efforts are sure to bear fruit via direct sales. In addition, email newsletters can be used to introduce new products to already loyal customers.

However, it is important to build an effective email list to avoid spamming people who are not interested in your products with promotional emails.

Build and shape up the right website: A lot of companies heavily invest in paid promotions and run ads on various websites, but lack a good web page of their own.

This can be a major setback!

Your marketing team helps build the right design, do the necessary SEO, and put out ads at an appropriate time. Having a 24/7 salesperson aids in identifying what brings in the maximum engagement and which to avoid.

Hold on. Now, comes the most important question!

Should you hire in-house marketers or work with a marketing agency?

Several factors such as the size of the company, its expansion plans, what does it intend to build for itself in the next years and its vision go into this decision-making but if you are open to a larger network of brainpower and willing to focus on building the brand, a marketing agency always serves better. Here are a few reasons and examples.

image showing a graphic of in house versus agency

Your website design and development team

  • Website Strategist
  • Copywriter
  • Content Writer
  • SEO Specialist
  • UI Designer
  • UX Designer
  • Visual Designer
  • Illustrator
  • Animator – Interaction Designer
  • Website Developer

Sometimes the same person might wear multiple hats, but a website is definitely not a one-person job.

Why an agency is required for website design and development?

Opportunity to find talent and cut back on costs: Website design and development agency allow businesses to work with a team with years of experience in the industry.

It saves time and money to look out for experts for different positions required for a website development project. If you still want to have an in-house team LinkedIn is an excellent place to find the best person for your business. It has a vast pool of talented professionals, and you can easily find the right one for the job by using its search filters. Additionally, LinkedIn provides insights into each user’s skills, experience, and endorsements, so you can make an informed decision about who to hire. Using an email finder extension can help you reach out to potential candidates on LinkedIn. By using this tool, you can quickly find email addresses for potential hires and contact them directly.

Hiring a team of experts and outsourcing marketing activities to have an immediate edge over competitors in the market. In return, outsourcing helps businesses to direct their efforts toward their core business. Moreover, it saves a lot of time & effort of internal resources, which helps the in-house employees to focus on the business activities.

Constructive feedback and audit suggestions: Hiring an efficient and reputed agency comes with several benefits. They are the industry experts who are well informed of the latest technologies, trends, and updates, and possess experience that comes in handy in a marketing campaign successful. They also possess a better understanding of what works and what doesn’t and give suggestions accordingly.

For example, Everything Design carried out a website audit of Syncware and chipped in some of the most valuable suggestions on the overall design and information available on the website for its betterment.

image showing Everything Design's website audit ideas

We suggested edits concerning designs, and navigations and pointed out some major issues that could be a big turn-off for potential customers. By website such that it targets and attracts the relevant audience, offshore digital marketing teams like these help bring in the necessary traffic, which in turn will generate leads and helps a business grow.

image showing audit's for syncware by everything Design
image showing audit's for syncware by everything Design

Utilization of better technology: When combined with the right set of tools or software, technology can elevate the growth of your business by leaps & bounds, and this is not an exclusive feature of your IT team. Numerous marketing tools can work towards the betterment of your website and make it both easy to navigate and visually appealing.

For example, Yoast is an SEO plug-in for WordPress often used by website marketers that are updated every two weeks and reflects Google’s algorithm. However, it is also focused on the overall readability of your content advising where to place keywords and internal links, and helping choose cornerstone content that makes your site rank higher.

image showing Yoast seo page for wordpress

The marketing team is an integral part of any business irrespective of who they are or what the business focuses on. Even for tech giants such as Samsung, it is important to have a well-designed site since that is the first impression a buyer has about the product.

But, does that mean the IT team has little or no significance?

Certainly not!

Your IT team forms an important part of your web development process. There are several reasons why the IT team is valuable for your website development.

But the IT team is needed as well!

Indispensable for web app integration: The process of creating, integrating, and developing a website, its plugins, and ensuring the availability of appropriate site analytics and marketing metrics to integrate the business process applications into your website is something only a specialized IT developer or project architect handle. This is an important part of creating and bringing a web page to life.

Implement the web app design: While the creative team may come up with a brilliant layout, the developers turn that into what the brand looks for. A thorough user experience research is conducted to understand the expectations of the future web app’s target audience, which the IT teams take into consideration and give the abstract concept of human-computer interaction a tangible and visible form.

image showing figma landing page
Figma, for example, is an interface design tool that enables multiple designers to collaborate in real-time
image showing Proto landing page
Proto.io too is an application that allows for the inception of lifelike prototypes beginning with rough ideas and giving way to full-fledged designs

Work on layouts and servers: Front-end developers work with the layouts provided to them by the web designers and transform these interface images into a fully functional web app. This includes programming in HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript, and working with front-end libraries and frameworks.

Back-end developers, on the other hand, are responsible for creating the server-side of a web app and are proficient in either Java, Python, etc. as well as in the tools and web app frameworks based on them.

But, when it comes to website management, who is better? IT or marketers?

Who should you hire to build a website?

  • The Marketing Strategist – the person who turns goals into reality
  • The Designer – is the person who gets you noticed, in a good way.
  • The Developer – the person who makes it work seamlessly
  • The Content Specialist- the person who translates your story
  • The Project Manager – is the person who ensures everyone’s plan works together
  • The SEO Consultant- the person to make sure, when you build it, people come

IT vs Marketers: who should manage your website?

While IT specialists are efficient at ensuring connectivity, data protection, and assessing equipment needs, they’re usually not the best at articulating a company’s value proposition or understanding the business’s target market and how that market interacts with a company’s brand. For this reason, managing the company’s website design, functionality, usability, and analytics should be a function of the marketing department.

image showing difference in IT and marketing team
  • Marketers are edgy, creative individuals who love taking risks and exploring areas such as testing, iterating, studying analytics, and revising their ideas. They take up new ventures without the fear of failure with the thoughts of learning from their mistakes which tech-background IT workers would never like to.

Need help with your website design and development?

Create the website you’ve always visualized as the standard with Everything Design! We are a certified web-flow professional partner agency that will understand your business needs and deliver them with great UI designs. Say a Hi on WhatsApp or drop us an email now!

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