B2B Website Agency



What should be on your B2B website if you’re a new startup, and should you even have a website if you’re pre-product?

This is something founders often ask us.

So what do we say?

We being one of the leading web design company in bangalore act as cofounders to help them come to a conclusion.

We believe in launching a website as soon as you’ve nailed down the problem you’re solving. If you can describe your solution to your target audience there’s typically no reason to hold back.

(Trust me, your issue is not someone stealing your idea, it’s persuading someone to take your idea seriously!)

A website almost ALWAYS comes before incorporating your company, because it’s going to help you prove there’s a market for what you’re building.

We’re big believers in DISTRIBUTION > PRODUCT.

In other words, you need to prove (if only to yourself!) there’s a problem worth solving before you start solving it. Having a live website is usually an obvious step towards creating that proof.

It’s never too early to start testing your messaging, creating conversations with users, and building a database of potential customers.

Below you’ll find a template showing what you can include on the first version of your website. MK1 newsletter explains how website conversion works and home page copy should be.

  1. Step 1: Make a usable 1-2 page messaging guide
  2. Step 2: Plan your homepage layout
  3. Step 3: Use messaging building blocks to add copy to each section
  4. Step 4: Finesse your copy
Home page structure for a B2B Website

Is your B2B website not bringing in leads for your business?

If so, you’re probably making this major mistake.

You built the website for the wrong audience.

Most founders build their websites based on what they like.

– Their style
– Their design preferences
– Their favorite websites

This is the WRONG approach.

Here’s the truth.

You need to think about your ideal customers needs.

What do they like?

What design preferences do they see as credible?

What build trustworthiness in the industry?

These are the real questions you need to think about.

How to think about the structure and order of your B2B home page flow?

A messaging hierarchy ensures your company delivers the right message at the right time to the right audience. 

It needs to be aligned with the hierarchy of strategic messaging.

Level 0: Clarity and relevance. What is it? What do I use it for? Is it a fit for me?

They don’t care until they get it. What it is, the problems you solve and the target audience needs to be made clear at the start.

Level 1. Point of view. What do we believe?

This sets the context for the relevance of your product. Your strategic narrative distilled down to its essence.

Level 2. Unique value. What’s the value only we can deliver? What’s our onlyness?

Lead with your onlyness before other stuff – especially if in a crowded category.

Level 3. Standard value. Features and benefits.

This is often tables stakes stuff – capabilities that most players in the category have, but nobody would buy you without these, so gotta have them.

There are no universal templates that work for everyone every time, but the best messaging captures all 4 levels.

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